If you don’t want to have to spend your valuable leisure time preparing tiresome tax returns but also want to be confident that you are utilising all tax benefits to the full and so only have to pay as much tax as you absolutely have to, then let us take on your annual tax return obligations.

Our tax advisory services for private individuals

From the annual income tax return to communication with the tax office

Preparation of your annual income tax return

If you have always prepared your income tax return yourself but have lost track of the many different changes in tax law, let us consider with you what tax benefits you can take advantage of, such as:

  • Whether you can claim for a room you work in
  • How to claim for motoring expenses
  • How to deduct your childcare costs or expenses for a babysitter
  • Whether it is better for a married couple to submit a joint or separate tax returns, and much more

We will prepare your annual tax return based on the documents and records you provide, including:

  • Calculating all types of income (from your salaried work, from leases and lettings, from capital assets, from pensions, etc.)
  • Calculating your tax liability or tax refund in advance
  • Calculating the tax liability on foreign income

If you have never submitted an income tax return before, but would now like to know whether you are obliged to anyway and what you might expect, we will examine your obligation to file a tax return and calculate the tax for you.

With an international dimension too

If you as a German have received foreign income or as a foreigner have received German income and/or would like to move or have already moved home from Germany or to Germany, let us advise you on questions of avoiding double taxation (in Germany and abroad), including a review of your case…

  • According to double taxation conventions
  • According to the German Decree on Employment Abroad
  • For obligations to file tax returns in Germany

Tax advice before, during or after changes in your personal life

If you are currently or could soon be going through a change of job, change of home, marriage, birth, divorce or death of a relative, let us advise you on the tax implications, such as:

  • The possibilities of claiming tax back on the costs of maintaining two households
  • Calculating the tax benefits of joint assessment in advance
  • The optimum assessment basis for your parental allowance
  • The tax deductibility of divorce costs, and much more

Tax advice before, during or after private investment

If, for instance, you intend to buy, letor sell a property or have already done so, let us advise you on the tax implications, including…

  • Calculating your income from letting and leasing
  • Investigating tax benefits when buying property
  • Calculating any possible tax on the sale

Help in the event of problems with the tax office

If you complete the tax return yourself and have the feeling from the tax assessment you have received that the tax office is taking advantage of you, we will…

  • Examine, within the time limits, whether more can be obtained from the assessment
  • Go through the tax office's errors with you
  • Argue your case with the tax office
  • Take your objection further

If the tax office is threatening you with garnishment or you have received payment demands that you do not understand,…

  • We will take the appropriate countermeasures and advise you on the next steps

Preparation of other certificates

If, for instance, your new landlord insists on a statement of earnings, you want to apply for parental allowance or you believe that you no longer have to file a tax return, we will…

  • Prepare a statement of earnings for you
  • Calculate the assessment basis for the parental allowance
  • Examine the possibilities of applying to the tax office for a non-assessment certificate

Communication with the tax office for you

  • Receive all tax office post for you
  • Pass it on to you
  • Suggest straight away the next steps you need to take

Everything can also be done online.

  • Supplying documents
  • Receiving tax returns and assessments
  • Asking and answering questions

Utilise our expertise and experience for your business

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