To ensure that you as a foreigner or foreign business can go about your business in Germany without having to worry about any problems with the German tax authorities, we’ll help you meet your tax obligations in Germany.
Experienced · Individual · Expert · Creative · International · Personal · Reliable
Tax advice for foreign
businesses in Germany
From starting up or establishing a branch office to all-round tax guidance both online and in English
Everything also online
and in English
If you want or have to be based abroad and need tax advice/guidance in Germany, we’ll be happy to communicate with you online, by email or by telephone, including…
- Accepting orders
- Supplying documents, receiving analyses, asking and answering questions
- Receiving tax returns and assessments
We’re also able to handle everything in English, including:
- Receiving tax calculations, reports and annual financial statements in English
If you give us authority to receive documents on your behalf and represent you with the tax office, we will
- Receive all tax office post for you
- Pass it on to you
- Suggest straight away the next steps you need to take
Tax advice and support in the establishment of branches or subsidiaries in Germany
If you want to be sure that everything is done properly right from the start in terms of tax but don’t know your way round the jungle of German tax law, let us take the first steps together with you of …
- Advising on the choice of legal form
- Assessing relations with foreign countries
- Finding ways of avoiding international double taxation
- Setting up the accounting and payroll system
- Registering for trade and tax purposes
- Advising on VAT issues and invoicing
We will also be happy to provide ongoing all-round tax support.
All-round tax support for businesses in Germany
If you want to be sure that you meet all tax regulations and tax office deadlines in Germany reliably, let us handle your regular accounting from A to Z, including ...
- Advance VAT returns
- Reports to the parent company, banks or funding bodies
- Open-item accounting
We will handle the regular payroll accounting for your employees in Germany, including:
- All regular and annual reports to the tax office and social insurance agencies
- Yearly certificates for your staff
- Managing payroll accounts for your staff
- Preparing the monthly pay analyses
We will prepare your annual financial statements in accordance with German law, including:
- Utilising accounting options and alternatives (balance sheet policy) and certifying the annual financial statements as tax consultants
- Performing analyses according to a variety of key ratios, e.g. for banks, shareholders/partners and/or lenders/investors by agreement
- Preparing an explanatory report by agreement
We will create your business tax returns (VAT, trade tax, corporation tax, separate income tax assessment), including:
- Examining all options for favourable cross-border taxation
- Avoiding double taxation
- Utilising all possible tax benefits in Germany
Tax advice and support for private investment in Germany
If, for instance, you are buying and letting property in Germany or have already done so and do not want to have to deal with the tax obligations in Germany remotely, let us advise you on the tax issues relating to the purchase and sale of property in Germany and handle the preparation of your tax returns in Germany for you, including…
- Determining profits
- Preparing the income tax return (even if you have limited tax liability in Germany)
- Examining all tax options in your favour and the consequences for taxation in your home country
- Preparing the ongoing advance VAT returns if you are charging VAT on the lets
We will examine whether there is a need to adjust the tax prepayments and submit the appropriate requests to adjust in agreement with you.
You can also ask us to review the tax assessments and lodge any appeals that may be appropriate.
VAT advice and guidance in Germany
If you are a foreign business with no permanent establishment in Germany and are uncertain whether you need to meet any VAT obligations in Germany, we will be happy to examine the VAT consequences of your business in Germany, including…
- Submitting written opinions
We will help you recover the VAT in Germany, including:
- Applying for an input tax refund in Germany
We will apply for a German tax number for you and prepare the monthly advance VAT returns in Germany.