If you want to be able concentrate fully on your actual profession and be sure that the tax office won’t get in your way, then let us see to your tax obligations.

Our tax advisory services for freelancers

From the start-up to the annual tax return

Calculate your profits and meet your recording obligations

If you want to be sure that you are taxed on the lowest possible income while at the same time meeting all tax recording obligations, let us prepare your annual net income statement based on the documents and records you provide, including…

  • Calculating the optimum depreciation and write-downs in the fixed assets
  • Preparing the multi-year comparisons for planning future development
  • Extrapolating your provisional annual results and calculating your tax liability in advance

Regular advance VAT returns / annual VAT return

If you want to be sure that you are taking advantage of all opportunities to recover input tax from the tax office while not missing any deadlines for submissions and payments, let us prepare your monthly or quarterly advance VAT returns based on the documents you supply, including…

  • Ongoing accounting records
  • Checking your documents for obligations to indicate VAT
  • Calculating your monthly or quarterly profit
  • Extrapolating your profit and expected income tax liability

We will also prepare your annual VAT return, including:

  • Reconciling your advance payments with the tax office
  • Examining the corresponding assessment and lodging an objection where appropriate

We will be happy to catch up on advance VAT returns that have been omitted over long periods, possibly helping you recover money.

Preparation of your annual tax returns

If you want to be sure that you are making full use of all tax benefits and only paying as much tax as you absolutely have to, let us prepare yourincome tax return and/or the statement for the determination of your tax assessment…

  • Examining all tax options in your favour

If you have a duty of publication, we will also arrange for the publication of your annual financial statements in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger):

  • With the minimum information so that your competitors learn as little as possible from your annual financial statements

Business tax returns

If you want to be sure that you are making full use of all tax benefits and only paying as much tax as you absolutely have to, let us create your business tax returns (VAT, trade tax, separate income tax assessment) …

  • Examining all tax options in your favour, where appropriate on the basis of a tax balance sheet deviating from the commercial balance sheet

If your business is not performing as well as it did the previous year(s), we will review whether there is a need to adjust the tax prepayments

  • And submit the appropriate requests to adjust in agreement with you

You can also ask us to review the tax assessments and lodge any appeals that may be appropriate.

Payroll accounting

If you want to be sure that the payslips for your staff are produced promptly and in compliance with the laws and that you do not miss any reporting deadlines for the tax office or the health insurance funds, let us handle your regular payroll accounting for you, including …

  • All regular and annual reports to the tax office and social insurance agencies
  • Yearly certificates for your staff
  • Managing payroll accounts for your staff
  • Preparing the monthly pay analyses

If you want to optimise your wage costs and/or increase or restructure the workforce, we will create decision aids for you in the form of:

  • Wage projections
  • Alternative calculations
  • Cost variants
  • Comparison of compensation alternatives for new hires

You can also ask us to prepare further certificates and applications, such as:

  • Wage statements for the employers' liability insurance association
  • Immediate reporting of new workers
  • Statements of earnings for the employment office
  • Applications for refunds in the event of illness

Business management and tax advice

If you are unsure of the tax implications of your business plans or have a particular tax problem, let us advise you on the tax and business management aspects of specific individual issues as required, for example:

  • Whether and when you are liable for VAT
  • The pros and cons of being a small enterprise
  • Whether you may actually be liable for trade tax and whether this can be avoided
  • What is the most favourable tax treatment for the room you work in, and much more

Support for start-ups

If you want to set up your own business and need help from the start, let us take the first steps together with you of:

  • Registering for tax
  • Taking over your recording obligations and setting up the accounting system
  • Advising on VAT issues and invoicing

Communication with the tax office for you

  • Receive all tax office post for you
  • Pass it on to you
  • Suggest straight away the next steps you need to take

Everything can also be done online.

  • Supplying documents
  • Receiving analyses
  • Asking and answering questions

Utilise our expertise and experience for your business

Arrange an appointment now